Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tink... Tink... Tink... Thunk!

Zigzag is now back on track after suffering a tragically misplaced yarnover which went unnoticed for two rounds. I spent the greater part of Sunday while the girls were sleeping carefully working back to the error with eyes that swear they are more than a mere 31 years of age. White yarn, grey needles, and arms that are much too short at times for my presbiopia. Time for new glasses, I guess.
I am getting dangerously close to finishing the skein of yarn I am using for this sweater. This would not be a big deal were it not for the dearth of yarn sources in Pueblo. There are two retailers who carry yarn, and one of them, the only one that carries what I will need to continue this project, WILL NOT get my money. Why, you ask? I refuse to support a company that is vehemently anti-union and shovels millions into destroying public education while making a big deal of their piddly "Teacher of the Year" award. Yes, Wal-Mart, I hate you. I really really do.


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