Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tragically un-hip (hop)

So, due to the total lack of anything worthwhile being on TV last night, combined with my total addiction to the TV, I was watching VH1's best videos of 2005. I will never claim to be "with it" as far a pop culture is concerned. In fact, just last year one of my best friends and I were driving around and she was talking about music and, sadly, I had no clue what she was talking about! I'd never heard of the bands, the songs, zipp-o. I'm, frankly, more of an NPR kinda gal. So, it should come as no surprise that I had no idea that R. Kelley's Trapped in the Closet existed. My question is, why didn't anyone tell me? I laughed so very very hard. Unfortunately, I fell asleep before the airing of all 13 chapters, but, WOW, it's like a crazy drunken ramble with videos!!! Okay. Just had to share.

The new Knitty is up. There are loads of new patterns; unfortunately, due to my tragic lack of hip, there are but a handfull that will find their way to my needles. After all, with all my (momentarily invisible) WIPs, I have no business casting on for anything else! (Although, I really want to make a pair of Pomatomus for my mom.) Maybe they can be a Mother's Day giftie. Although, she likes knitting socks so much it might read as more of a slap in the face. Maybe I'll get her the yarn and wrap it up with the pattern. We'll see.

T- 13 days until we load up the family truckster and hit the highway to heaven (Minnesota)! YAY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that R. Kelly video too and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so unbelievably stupid! I did not know there were chapters. I just saw the one where he is hiding in the closet and then comes busting out with his gun. I can't remeber the last time I saw something so moronic!

6:33 AM  
Blogger klugula said...

So you're heading back to Meenesota? Tis the season to be travelling, fa la la la la. We are also going to get away from it all for a while. Should be nice. I feel so cooped up in my home. I am sure you can understand. Have a super and safe trip.

11:52 AM  

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